Sunday, August 8, 2010

My Action Plan

After making some necessary changes I have posted my Research Action Plan below. I appreciate those who have offered suggestions and resources. You have been very helpful. I welcome and appreciate any ideas or suggestions.

Please click below for the Revised Action Plan.

My Research Action Plan

1 comment:

  1. I agree with the extension of the due dates for the steps of your plan. This is a lot of work for one person in addition to your regular duties. This is valuable research for all of us as it is a situation that all districts are now facing with regard to all of the new social networking and media sites. I look forward to following your research. I noticed that you had made it your responsibility to develop the guidelines for use of these tools. This, in itself, is a large task. Do you plan to use the existing AUP and expand upon it or develop a whole new set of guideline?
